How Good Is Your Rental Property Security?

Once you’ve made the decision to move into a new property, it is vital that you ask your landlord all the important questions before signing any paperwork.

An important area to cover is what security measures are in place at the property. Is there gated entry or ground security patrols and what safety protocols such as fire alarms or cameras are available.

By inquiring into both general conditions and safety measures you can better determine if this property is the right fit for you.

Unsure what to ask? Here are some helpful tips.

1) How secure is the property?

It’s important to ask questions about the property’s level of security. From the amenities offered on-site to the security threats in the local area, be sure to get informed and make an informed decision before moving in.

Knowing if there is appropriate access control in place, such as door locks and CCTV surveillance cameras, can give you peace of mind that your safety and possessions are secure.

If you’ll be moving into an apartment, then make sure to inquire about the security protocols in place for entry – keycards, keycodes and other such measures are devices that guarantee additional protection.

2) Have the locks been changed?

One question to ensure safety and peace of mind is to inquire whether the locks have been changed since the last tenant.

Locks are an important way to protect both the property itself and all belongings placed inside, increasing overall security when first occupying a flat or a house.

3) Is the property fire protected?

Before signing a new lease, it is important to ensure that fire safety measures are in place.

In addition to confirming that the property has been installed with both carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, you should also ask your landlord about the availability of fire extinguishers.

Establishing an effective escape route from the building can also help you to prepare for potential fires, as it will be easier to evacuate quickly and safely if a plan has already been put into place.

4) Are there external CCTV security cameras?

Security cameras are a great way to improve the safety and security of rental properties. They provide the assurance that tenants are safe, create a sense of community, and act as a deterrent for potential crimes.

In today’s world, it is prudent for all landlords to consider installing security cameras on their rentals.

Not only does it give renters peace of mind, but can also help reduce potential liabilities for the property owner should a crime take place at the location.

5) Does the property come with blinds or curtains?

When viewing a property, it is important to ensure that you check for any form of privacy protection.

The windows should have either blinds or curtains installed on them at minimum, so that your valuables aren’t visible from the street and potential criminals are not enticed by what they can easily see.

6) What’s the lighting like?

Scouting out your prospective property at night is an essential yet often overlooked step before signing a lease.

Investigating the area’s lighting conditions can help you determine whether you feel safe and comfortable in your new home after dark.

Keep track of how well-lit your street and common areas of the building are, as this will provide insight into how secure the space feels late at night.

By taking these simple steps to find out the level of security at your new rental property you can ensure you have peace of mind when you move in. If you are unsure of any security aspects it always makes sense to ask your landlord before you move in.

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